Dec 4, 2015

RMP Keys to Success Highlighted in Two Manuscripts

The Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in San Francisco Bay (the RMP) is one of SFEI’s flagship programs. The overarching goal of the RMP is to collect data and communicate information about water quality in San Francisco Bay to support management decisions. Maintaining relevance to management decisions is a key aspect of the goal. A new manuscript in the journal Regional Studies in Marine Science documents how the RMP has continued to inform management decisions through a commitment to collaboration, adaptation, and innovation during the 23 years since it was founded in 1992.  Click here to read the full article:

In the same journal, the RMP is also featured in a synthesis article on four long-standing regional monitoring programs that cover portions of all three coasts in the United States: Chesapeake Bay, Tampa Bay, Southern California Bight, and San Francisco Bay. The article describes the management benefits of regional monitoring, common keys to success, and common challenges. Click here to read the full article:

Programs and Focus Areas: 
Clean Water Program
Bay Regional Monitoring Program