Oct 9, 2018

In 2014, SFEI and the Santa Valley Water District launched a collaborative partnership aimed at sharing experience, knowledge and resources, and working toward a shared vision of watershed management. Through this partnership, the District has asked SFEI to develop a set of online tools to: 1) identify opportunities for multi-benefit management actions in and along the channels managed by the District; and 2) track the impacts of those actions towards meeting established management targets. The first tool will be developed initially for Coyote Creek downstream of Anderson Dam, focusing on identifying aquatic and riparian restoration and enhancement opportunities that support the goals of the District’s Safe, Clean Water and Natural Flood Protection Program and other District environmental stewardship initiatives. The second tool will support the District’s One Water Plan, allowing the District and its partners to track progress towards meeting the Plan’s established multi-benefit management targets as channel and riparian enhancement projects are implemented. Both tools will be built on the EcoAtlas platform, providing them with a wide array of environmental data sets, reporting options, and the flexibility to expand the tools to other District watersheds in the future. The tools will be completed by summer 2020.


Programs and Focus Areas: 
Environmental Informatics Program
Resilient Landscapes Program