The Central Valley Watershed Monitoring Directory was built to promote and facilitate improved coordination of water monitoring across the basin and serves to: 1) Provide an up-to-date online directory for water quality monitoring programs in the Central Valley Basin; 2) Make it easier and less time consuming for regulatory agency staff and other monitoring groups and data users to find and track information about ongoing surface water monitoring activities in the basin; 3) Provide a low-maintenance, interactive online resource that can be self-populated and continuously updated by participants as new efforts emerge and others are discontinued. The Monitoring Directory was developed with funding and participation from the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The Central Valley Regional Water Board will continue to fund maintenance, updating, and necessary upgrades for another three years, while a long-term sustainability plan is being developed. In 2010, Region Water Board staff have held several workshops to introduce the Directory to stakeholder audiences. The California Water Quality Monitoring Council has also expressed interest, and a demonstration to this group is planned in 2011.

Contact Thomas Jabusch for more information.

Programs and Focus Areas: 
Clean Water Program
Environmental Informatics Program
Location Information