Developing a Consumption Survey Questionnaire for San Francisco Bay Subsistence Fishers 

The San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) and San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board (Water Board) are working with representatives of local fishing communities, agency representatives, and scientists to develop a questionnaire to better understand consumption of fish by San Francisco Bay subsistence fishers Area. Subsistence fishers are people who fish to feed themselves and their families and friends on a regular basis, rather than sport fishers who fish as a recreational activity.  Developing this questionnaire is phase 1 of a three-phase project.  Pilot testing of the questionnaire by communities will be conducted in phase 2.  In phase 3, community organizations will use the questionnaire and survey protocol to conduct surveys of subsistence fishers in their communities.   

A series of workshops are being held to obtain input from the groups involved.  

The first workshop was held at SFEI on November 3, 2023 from 12PM - 5PM PST.  The goal of the first Workshop was to begin the process of developing a questionnaire that communities can use to gather information on consumption by subsistence fishers.  The discussion focused on what questions to include in the survey.  The agenda is posted here.  Presentation slides are posted here.  A meeting summary is available here.

A second workshop was a virtual meeting held on February 15, 2024 from 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM.  This meeting focused on the refined list of questions and the details of the formulation of each question and possible responses.  The meeting agenda is posted here. 

A draft report on the questionnaire and the development process will be distributed in mid-March.    

A third meeting will be held in May to conclude phase 1 of the project.  Preliminary guidance on implementation of the survey will be discussed, setting the stage for phase 2.  

If you have any questions, please contact Martin Trinh at [email protected]


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Bay Regional Monitoring Program
Contaminants of Emerging Concern
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